söndag 8 september 2013


This beautiful piece goes so well with the picture that I'm almost starting to cry of happiness.
This can also be of nostalgic reasons though..

This my friends, is a lovely cloud. I somehow started to grow some kind of love to clouds while I was in Japan. I got so exited when I saw this, so I have about 30 pictures of only this cloud. We were on a bus on our way to Mino city if I remember correctly. Maybe it doesn't look as exciting and amazing as I thought at the moment.

So yeah, I thought I had to do something with it. I didn't like the sharp edge the mountains gave, so I smoothed that out to give a cool effect. Actually I just went all crazy and gave it this light is fighting darkness role. I think it turned out pretty cool. It's like in the movie; The nothing is coming...

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